Chinook Medical Supply was founded as a local provider of, affordable, quality, bariatric medical supplies and equipment to Alaskans. It is our goal to make items previously available only by special order more readily available and easily attainable to Alaskans.
Store Location: 1200 Airport Heights Drive Ste 278 Anchorage, AK 99508    (See Map)

Medical Equipment

Product Description

Whether it's being engaged in daily activities or spending time doing the things you really love, like traveling, being outdoors or participating in your favorite hobbies, you can continue to engage in daily activities while receiving the therapeutic benefits of compression. Compression stockings are designed to provide support to the legs and veins, assist with circulation, and minimize swelling. The compression is graduated, with the strongest support starting at the ankles and gradually decreasing towards the top of the garment. This gradual support works in conjunction with the pumping action of the calf muscles, which also assist with circulation.